Tuesday 26 March 2013

April concert

On  Saturday 27th April 2013 we are holding our second event of the season

As I sailed by the Lowlands low

A musical entertainment given by Michael Martin,  Director of Music at the church, exploring some maybe unexpected  musical connections between  Britain and the Low Countries.

Sweelinck and John Bull, Purcell and Clarke.  Cesar Franck, Lemmens, some jazz, Mozart,  Flor  Peeters etc  and much more, including a few surprises.  I may even invite you to sing!

I will play piano, organ and synthesiser and perhaps even duet with myself, thanks to digital electronics; my laptop and tablet. I will have fun. I think you will too, if you come.  If you do it will help raise some of  the money needed for renovating the church organ.

Entrance  £8.00 (at the door only) will include refreshments during the interval.

Monday 25 March 2013

What we do

Cannington is a village about 4 miles outside Bridgwater, Somerset, UK.

The village church is a beautiful, largely 15C , building, with a wonderful acoustic.

Each year, since  2002, we have put on a series of concerts , of many types of music:  piano , organ, instrumentalists, jazz, early music etc.

Normally the intention has been, not to raise money, but to bring good music of all types into the village. Occasionally however, we have arranged special fundraising events. For instance we have raised over £1500 for WaterAid.

In 2013 we are attempting to raise as much money as possible to renovate the 19C organ in the church. Earlier this year Mathew Adams'  one man show based on Izaak Walton's Compleat Angler was a great success.

There are several exciting events lined up which will be detailed here.

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